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Nadine Somers
Europe & UK multi award winning singer, artist and personality.

Nadine Somers' Reviews & Press Items


"I predict that she will be The Top British Female Country Artist..."

- Gwen Taylor - North Country Music Magazine


"Sean Kenny and Nadine Somers the new Tim McGraw and Faith Hill"

- Linda Willis - Linedancer Magazine


"Performed in Tootsie's Orchid Lounge, Nashville with non other than Glen Mitchell"

- Linedancer Magazine


"I think she is world class..."

- Sean Kenny - Linedancer Magazine


"Nadine delivers with so much passion, she is a great singer"

- Tim Ruzgar - Official reviewer


"She remains one of Britian's most talented and popular Country entertainers"

- Front cover feature - Southern Country Magazine


"Nadine's bubbly personality, sense of humour and strong vocals..."

- Southern Country Magazine


"Nadine Somers is fantastic..."

- Diamond Jack Duo


"Nadine did an excellent version of Cowboy Sweetheart - good yodelling..."

- North Country Music Magazine


"...Nadine who is Shania with Dolly's voice..."

- Jill Douglas - Up Country Magazine


"Nadine not only has a great Country voice, but is stunning looking..."

- Emma Wilkinson - Lindancer Magazine


"...Nadine, who is a complete nut-case on stage...we love her..."

- Chad "Corntassel" Smith - Deputy Chief Hastings Shade


"...Every song was superb...no airs or graces..."

- Chief Sasku - Pony Express, Herts 


"This bubbly young lady entertains the dancers and listeners alike" 

- Allyson Chambers, North Country Music Magazine


"There was hardly enough room to sit down and ended next to the entrance"

- Earl Binns visits the Riverside


"A lively, happy stage presence that rubs off on the audience"

- Little Willie's, Essex


"As usual the performance was fautless..."

Diane and Dennis - Tulsatime, Kent


"A great character, so animated, a treasure of a night..."

- Pony Express, Herts


"Classic Country voice and stunning looks..."

- Jill Douglass - Lindancer Magazine


"A full house enjoyed Nadine's voice and her lovely personality...this is a young lady who is going places"

-Country Cousin, Armadillo, Norfolk


"Miss Dynamite of Country. Two standing ovations said it all..."

-Phil - Smokey Mountain CWC


"Absolutely Brilliant..."

- Val - Crawborough


"Nadine came into her own with a gusy, gritty '455 Rocket' and displayed the range of her glorious vocals"

- Wrangler - Littlehampton


"The club was packed to the rafters as Nadine's vocals got things going....the dance floor was jammed solid all night..."

- Mustang - Ford Prison Social Club


"She is a little miss dynamite moving and dancing to her music with her slightly husky yet true Country voice..."

- Gerda - H Bar C, CMC


"Nadine had a strong voice and didn't try to sound like anyone famous"

- Anita Iddon - North Country Music Magazine


"A class act... Nadine must be the best vocalist on the Country circuit""

- Boot's and Blisters


"The Lady's Country vocals were quiet superb..."

- The Viking, Sussex


"She'll go far, what a star..."

Molly, Newbury


"Plenty of audience reaction to Nadine's chatty and lively personality..."

- El Dorado - Harrow Borough


""Nadine herself has, to the ears, the best female voice in British Country music. Two encores lay testiment to a night that will haunt our memories..."

- The Viking, Sussex


"Nadine has fantastic presence, Country's own 'Spice Girl..."

Ron's Rodeo, Sussex


"Nadine Somers returned for a second dynamic display..."

- Colin Blanchard, Southern Country Magazine


"Nadine was a knock-out, she stole the show with a performance that will take some equalling let alone beating!..."

- Johnnytwoleftfeet - Up Country Magazine


"On Glen Mitchell's current CD Nadine Somers helped out on the backing vocals..."

- John Keir, Country Music News and Routes


UK Booking
Email: nadinesomersvocalist@hotmail.co.uk